Monday, November 16, 2009

Flying Fish Recipe

Kinilaw na IsdaIngredients:Flying fish-1/2kiloOnions- 1pieceGinger- 1pieceVinegar- 200mlTomato- 4piecesCalamansi- 4piecesFresh Chili Pepper-6piecesSaltAjinomotoPreparations:1. Clean flying fish take off the fins, scales, head, inside stomach and fish bones.2. Cut the flying fish into small sizes.3. Peel Ginger, Onions and mince.4. Wash tomato and chop.Cooking process:1. In a big bowl with chopped flying fish add ginger, onions and tomato.2. Add Salt and ajinomoto to have taste.3. Add Vinegar to cook the chopped flying fish and mix.4. Taste it then add Calamansi juice and tiny chili pepper.5. Wait 5 minutes before serving.Tips:Step1: Buy sour...

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