Sunday, May 31, 2009

Batchoy Soup Recipe

Ingredients:Pancit cantonEgg-1pc.CabbageCarrots-1pc.Chicken meat-1/2kiloMagic sarap or AjinomotoSaltOnionsGarlicCornstarch or OatmealInstruction:1. Boil Chicken meat for 5minutes. Peel out several tiny pieces of chicken meat. Don't throw the chicken soup. Set aside.2. Cook garlic and onions then add chicken meat. Mix it.3. Add the chicken soup and carrots wait for 3minutes.4. Add beat eggs mix it, then add pancit canton & tiny pieces of cabbage.5. To make the soup thicker add some oatmeal.6. Put some salt and magic sarap or ajinomoto to have taste.It's done!Enjoy your breakfast!Thank you...

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