Thursday, February 12, 2009

Native Vegetables Soup Recipes

"Utan Bisaya with fish Filipino food recipes" It is good to prepare these recipes preferably in the morning because our body needs a lot of water. Ingredients: Gabe ("taro" in English); this is how it looks like: Sekwa ("sponge gourd" in English"); this is how it looks like: Squash Eggplant Malunggay ("Moringa" in English) Alugbate or Spinach Salt Ajinomoto Fish- 1pc Procedure: 1. Fried the fish first. Set aside. 2. Peel the gabe and chop it into small pieces, wash it. 3. Put the chop Gabe in the kettle then add water. 3. After 5minutes put the chop squash, eggplant & sekwa. 4. Wait for 10minutes add the...

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