Ingredients:Jícama | SingkamasNgohiong PowderOnionsGarlicGreen bell pepperGround porkLumpia wrapperFlourSaltAjinomotoCooking OilPreparations:1. Peel jicama or singkamas mince it 2inches thinly.2. Take off the seeds for Green bell pepper and cut it the same size of the singkamas.3. Peel garlic, onions and mince.4. Put flour in a bowl and mix with water. Flour must be thick to stick.5. Prepare the lumpia wrapper to separate each. Set aside.Cooking process:1. Combine ground pork, green bell pepper, Jicama or singkamas, onions, garlic and mix it well. 2. Add ngohiong powder, salt and ajinomoto to have taste.3. Wrap all mixed ingredients in lumpia...