Braised Pork- 4kilos
Salted black beans-1 can
Spring onions- cut in half
Garlic minced
Brown Sugar
Soy Sauce
Fresh red bell pepper
1. Chop braised pork in small square size bring to a boil wait until the meat is tender and drain.
2. Add spring onions, minced garlic, and chopped bell pepper to the drain braised pork.
3. Then put vinegar, soy sauce, salted black beans, brown sugar, salt and enough water.
4. Combined by mixing it well and taste.
5. Cook again and let it boil until you smell the aroma of the mixed spices and taste again to make it sure that the food it is delicious.
Note: Serve while it is still hot! Humba recipe is best if you partner with Atsara. It is great to prepare during birthdays, Christmas and fiesta celebration.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
How to cook Humba or Braised Pork Recipes
when you are going to used salted black beans? you never mention when we are going to put the black're instruction is a little short cut...are we going to mixed spring onion.garlic and belle pepper after we drain the meat?
Thank you very much for the constructed comments, I already edit the post and put where to add the salted black beans. Yes! you will mixed everything after you drain the meat.
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